TRBA Missions and Ministry

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Up and Running

Well - I've done it now. After spending the summer in the midst of the new blogosphere, I have determined there can be some positive value to them. Certainly, I have seen my share of negative comments and character assinations. God is not pleased with such! I have seen evidence that people spend inordinate amounts of time, daily posting on numerous blogs. I don't think God is pleased with that either.

Certainly, you will see from the beginning that I am a novice. I will strive to post the life and work of the TRBA; a sense of vision for where I see the association heading; and ideas that I believe will serve to strengthen the local church. I ask that those that respond to my postings will respond in a positive manner. Attacks on a person's character will not be posted. We can agree to differ on issues and remain faithful to the LORD's command to love one another.

I strive to operate from what I heard Jimmy Draper say on one occassion at Ridgecrest, "Any two people genuinely seeking God can work together." That is my heart's desire and my greatest conceren for the advanceent of the kingdom. I pray we are GENUINELY seeking God but I fear His Will has often been "set aside" as we each determine to "go our own way." God forgive us for not following the path that you lay out before us.

In my next post I will detail a little of my view of associational work. Overall, we must realize that we are NOT the church and that our existence is to strengthen the local church as it sets out to become what God is calling it to be - salt and light to a lost world. That is my commitment to the member churches of the Tar River Baptist Association - that I will walk with you and assist you in becoming the ON MISSION church God has called you to be in your community and around the world.

Know that I am here for you if there is a need. Feel free to contact me at any time. The Tar River web sites spells out enough concerning my contact information.

In Him,



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