TRBA Missions and Ministry

Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Future Of Associations

I have served as Associational Missionary with Tar River Association since November 2000. I remain excited about the work God has called me to do and in 2008, pledge myself anew to the work of strengthening the church.

This week I was privileged to attend the annual summit of the Network of Baptist Associations (NOBA). I am excited about this organization as it shares my vision/passion for strengthening the local church. Each year we gather to offer training and resources with one another. As the name implies - we NETWORK. To work with such men that are willing to share their expertise/life's work to help churches all accross North America. I am grateful to God for such an organization.

Last year I was prvileged to serve on the National Leadership Team (NLT) for NOBA. That mostly helped me! The other 15 men responded to every question I asked and shared resources very helpful to the life and work of the association with me. I obtained much help from them in developing our By-laws, and now policy and procedure manual. I can see much more to help the association as this organization grows.

The organization has now grown to over 300 members (our goal for 2007 was 200). We expect more growth this year. LifeWay, the IMB, and now NAMB have become a part of what we are doing - to varied degrees. Over the next 3 - 4 years, a third of the Associational Missionaries across the nation will retire. I expect much from NOBA to assist these new DOMs.

This year I am privileged to serve NOBA - and thus remain obedient to God's call to strengthen the church in my role as an Associational Missionary. This year, I will continue to serve on the Resource Team (I am excited about that as DOMs around the nation sending me the best of their resources to upload on our website). I have also been asked to serve as the liason to LifeWay for NOBA and I am excited about that as well.

Please pray for me as I strive to be obedient to the call of God to strengthen the local church. Know that I am praying for you daily and expcect to see God do great things through His church in 2008.

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