TRBA Missions and Ministry

Saturday, September 30, 2006

A Little Of How I See Things

When I first came as Associational Missionary to TRBA, Dr. George Shore - the interim - had a wonderful title for his column in the Currents of the Tar, our monthly newsletter. It was called "The Shoreline." That was so cool, but I don't have a name that lends itself well to a cool title for a column in a newsletter (I have discovered there are at least 3 Dougald McLaurins with blogs right now which was a shock). Therefore, we went back to the old title for the column, "The Crow's Nest."

Every month when I wrote my column, I agonized over the name of it. To me, seeing that little man peering out toward the horizon implied at least 2 falacies about associational work as I see it. First, it implies that I alone, as Associational Missionary, can see what lies ahead. Second, as I looked way out over the horizon, I could miss what was happening close to the ship as we were being moved by the currents of the Tar.

I am not a loner. I am neither niave or arrogant enough to think that God will reveal Himself to me alone. I recognize that I can not accomplish all that God is calling Tar River to do and be, perched above in that crow's nest. Sometimes it will be me. At other times, it will be others. All the while, there are countless others steering the boat and involved in the work. HOPEFULLY, it is the Holy Spirit serving as the current and we are not drifting aimlessly down the river.

It is the pastors, church leaders, church members that will often see much more and much sooner what lies ahead. I am very much open to the fact that God uses those that belong to Him in accomplishing His work. I wanted to be sensitive to what God was doing whether it was seen way off on the horizon or coming from the belly of the ship.

Finally, I changed the title. It is "From My Heart." Has nothing to do with being on a river. But - from the bottom of my heart, I want to be used by God to advance His Kingdom and to ALWAYS be open to Him. I trust that the people of TRBA sense that about me. I have not done everything right! I continually make mistakes. Many of my mistakes are realted to the busy-ness of this "job" and ignoring my personal responsibility to BE STILL and respond in accordance to His Will instead of going ahead of Him.

From my heart, I want to see the church strengthened. I want to assist churches in their walk with and work for the LORD. I want to be open and receptive to the prompting of the Holy Spirit. I want to share with the church the JOY that comes from abiding in Christ and being used of God in ministry.

The purpose of the early postings is to reveal glimpses of my vision/view of associational work. I trust that all who are members of a TRBA congregation KNOW that they can call on me for assistance and that I pray for them daily.

Love in Christ,


Up and Running

Well - I've done it now. After spending the summer in the midst of the new blogosphere, I have determined there can be some positive value to them. Certainly, I have seen my share of negative comments and character assinations. God is not pleased with such! I have seen evidence that people spend inordinate amounts of time, daily posting on numerous blogs. I don't think God is pleased with that either.

Certainly, you will see from the beginning that I am a novice. I will strive to post the life and work of the TRBA; a sense of vision for where I see the association heading; and ideas that I believe will serve to strengthen the local church. I ask that those that respond to my postings will respond in a positive manner. Attacks on a person's character will not be posted. We can agree to differ on issues and remain faithful to the LORD's command to love one another.

I strive to operate from what I heard Jimmy Draper say on one occassion at Ridgecrest, "Any two people genuinely seeking God can work together." That is my heart's desire and my greatest conceren for the advanceent of the kingdom. I pray we are GENUINELY seeking God but I fear His Will has often been "set aside" as we each determine to "go our own way." God forgive us for not following the path that you lay out before us.

In my next post I will detail a little of my view of associational work. Overall, we must realize that we are NOT the church and that our existence is to strengthen the local church as it sets out to become what God is calling it to be - salt and light to a lost world. That is my commitment to the member churches of the Tar River Baptist Association - that I will walk with you and assist you in becoming the ON MISSION church God has called you to be in your community and around the world.

Know that I am here for you if there is a need. Feel free to contact me at any time. The Tar River web sites spells out enough concerning my contact information.

In Him,


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